The Good Life

Bakersfield, California
One Jacob and One Nicole plus a Talia, a Tristan and a Tyler

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Party Socks

For any one who has met Talia this might be a little redundant of a post, but I had to comment on this obsession of my daughter's. Talia loves having adventures, tying people up and seeing her friends (by the way I like many am her best friend). She also loves collecting things and putting them into socks. Now I don't why she does it, I only know that she calls it her party socks and carries which ever sock she is most inclined to care about that day around as such. She has become a little fanatical about it because I keep finding random socks throughout my house filled with items. Not to mention the fact that these hijacked socks are usually without their mate which means I folded laundry and some of my socks in my sock pile wandered away-hmmm.
The following is the collection of socks I found today to prove to you all that according to Talia, party socks although not wearable are great accessories. It can be worn over the shoulder or just in ones hand:

Items in sock (interestingly some days there are many more items stuffed into socks):


chloe's clan said...

That is hilarious. I know sometimes the quirks of our kids can be annoying over time but then I always come back to laughing and thinking them endearing. This one is pretty funny.

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

The more random & unsolicited the more funny, right! She's a cutie!